Scotland: Information Systems PhD Scholarship
Scotland: PhD Studentship in Information Systems, University of Paisley
The Role of Reflective Practice in Information Systems Education in Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Fixed term studentship: 3 years
Studentship: Fees fully paid along with a Bursary (circa £12,300 per annum)
A highly motivated research student is sought to work on a research project in Information Systems in the School of Computing at the University of Paisley. This project aims are to investigate the current level of use of reflective practice within the IS community and to develop a framework for effective reflective practice within the IS community based on best practice.
The framework will be implemented using appropriate platforms and technologies to critically evaluate the extent to which the principles can be successfully applied within academic and industry settings (for example, ePortfolios, blogs, eLearning and OSS).
You should have a First or Upper Second Class Degree or Masters Degree in the areas of information systems and/or computer science. Personal qualities should include good organisational skills, excellent verbal and communication skills and the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
Closing date: Friday 21st April 2006
For informal enquiries please email: Professor Thomas M Connolly (
To apply, please send your full CV or resume, with the title of the position, by post or e-mail* quoting ref. 06/048* to:
Professor Thomas M Connolly
School of Computing
University of Paisley
High St
International Scholarship and Academic
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