:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::3.13.2006

Germany: PhD United Nations University

Kategori: Beasiswa s3 (doktor, doktoral, phd) di Jerman jurusan geofisika, fisika dan jurusan terkait. Program ini hasil kerja sama fakultas lingkungan hidup dan keamanan manusia, universitas PBB dg gfz-potsdam Jerman.

2006/GITEWS-1 Geophysicist, Physicist or related Fields (m/f) to be attached to UNU-EHS in cooperation with GFZ-Potsdam
The United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) in cooperation with the GeoResearchCentre Potsdam (GFZ-Potsdam), kindly invites applications for one (1) PhD scholarship for students from Indonesia or from other countries in the Indian Ocean Rim:

Following the catastrophic impact of the December 26, 2004 tsunami, the Government of Germany under initiative of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) launched the German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS) to contribute to the implementation of a tsunami warning system in Indonesia. GITEWS in the final stage of development fosters both an integral element of the larger international system being designed for tsunami early warning in the whole Indian Ocean and the initial step for the set-up of a multi-hazard early warning system in Indonesia.

While the German Indonesian project focuses on research and development of sophisticated technologies and strengthening technical capacities to monitor and forecast tsunamis; training and higher level education programmes are also considered as complementary modules to ensure that the system is properly operated, maintained and improved/upgraded in future decades, and that the people in coastal areas will respond timely in case a warning is issued.

Eight scholarships in total will be provided for a period of three years with a tax free monthly stipend. Travel grants, insurance, language course and support to find accommodations are foreseen. The PhD programme is expected to start preferably in May/June 2006 with a joint German language coursework in the city of Bonn. Research is to be conducted in an integrated fashion among the eight candidates in the respective research institution; special lectures and additional courses in the broad spanning disciplines of disaster management and vulnerability assessments will be conducted and held by UNU-EHS scientific staff. PhD degrees will be awarded by German universities associated with the project consortium. PhD supervision is to be shared among faculty members in the respective universities and researchers or scientific officers within the cooperating institutions of GITEWS.

General Requirements:

Excellent academic records in the appropriate discipline and MSc (S2) or equivalent degree. The candidates’ academic degree must comply with the requirements of German Universities to admit students into their PhD programmes. Applicants for this type of scholarship are subject to an age limit of 32 years!

While the project sets the focus on Indonesia, potential applicants’ citizenship is not restricted to be Indonesian. Candidates from countries in the Indian Ocean Rim are also encouraged to apply.

Adequate language skills. Candidates must have a good proven knowledge of English (Language certificates, e.g. TOEFL etc., support application and final decision upon funding).

High motivation and the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team and international environment are essential. The individual application is thus introduced by a motivation letter from the applicant upon the foreseen thematic research objectives.

Information regarding qualifications to apply for the PhD position is provided below, as well as the names of specific contact persons to obtain any additional information. UNU-EHS strives to increase the percentage of female participants in the programme and encourage applications from female candidates. Handicapped applicants are welcome.

The successful candidate will be based at the GeoResearchCentre Potsdam (GFZ-Potsdam), in Potsadam. Her or his tasks will be in Tsunami detection and realtime monitoring schemes with seismic broadband stations at coastal or ocean island stations. Seismic broadband stations in oceanic regions are excellent tsunami detectors. They will be used for a statistical description of tsunami occurrance and for realtime tsunami monitoring. Experiences in seismology are desirable.

Master’s or equivalent degree in geophysics, physics or related fields recognized by German universities as precondition for PhD studies.

Further information will be provided by
Prof. Dr. R. Kind
GFZ Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
Email: kind@gfz-potsdam.de
Tel: +49 (0)331 288-1240

Information regarding qualifications to apply for the PhD position is provided above, as well as the names of specific contact persons to obtain any additional information. UNU-EHS strives to increase the percentage of female participants in the programme and encourage applications from female candidates. Handicapped applicants are welcome.

Interested applicants should apply online through UNU-EHS’s webpage: www.ehs.unu.edu and additionally send their supporting documents by airmail, stating the reference number for the particular post and application reference (automatically given by email following the online application process) not later than March 31, 2006 to the following address:


Due to the large number of applications expected, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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