:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::2.28.2006

UK: Postgraduate Studentships 2006-2007

Kategori: Beasiswa s2 (master, pascasarjana, MA) jurusan filsafat, sejarah dan filsafa sains dan etika layanan kesehatan) di universitas leeds inggris.

Postgraduate Studentships in Philosophy, History & Philosophy of Science, and Health Care Ethics, University of Leeds.

The School of Philosophy intends to offer up to four studentships for suitably qualified candidates accepted for full-time or part-time postgraduate taught or research degree programmes in the School. The awards, which are tenable from September 2006, are to the value of £10,500 plus full fees. PhD awards are for one year in the first instance, renewal being subject to satisfactory progress.

The School operates a professional training and development scheme for postgraduates. As part of this scheme, successful applicants are given the opportunity to undertake teaching if they wish, which is paid at an hourly rate. The School also helps with relevant conference expenses and provides a bursary (up to £200) for archive research.

With over 25 staff, the School of Philosophy is one of the largest in the country. It has an active Graduate School offering a general taught MA in Philosophy, as well as specialist taught MAs in Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, History and Philosophy of Science, Science Communication, Philosophy of Physics (awaiting final approval), and Health Care Ethics. [

The School also offers research supervision in all major areas of Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science. The School is particularly strong in Metaphysics, Aesthetics, History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Religion and Applied Ethics, and is especially interested in attracting applications from outstanding students in those areas.

Application forms and further particulars for the studentships and for graduate study are obtainable from Ms Katy Lanceley, Postgraduate Secretary, School of Philosophy, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

email k.m.lanceley@...

tel 0113 343 3263 fax 0113 343 3265

Closing date 28 February 2006 The University of Leeds promotes excellence in teaching, learning and research.

We welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Textphone (for hearing impaired applicants only) 0113 343 4353.
All information is available in alternative formats - please contact the School of Philosophy.

International Scholarship and Academic

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