:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::2.01.2006

New Zealand: Undergraduate Scholarship

Kategori: Beasiswa S1 luar negeri New Zealand - Selandia Baru

New Zealand International Undergratuate Scholarships
Funded by the New Zealand Government and administered by Education New Zealand, the New Zealand International Undergraduate Scholarships (NZIUS) are a significant educational opportunity.

The Scholarships provide financial support by way of international tuition fees for eligible students from designated localities who are undertaking undergraduate study at New Zealand institutions. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit.

A World Class Opportunity
New Zealand institutions provide the opportunity to study under internationally recognised academics and researchers in a range of disciplines. A qualification from a New Zealand institution ranks with the best internationally.

New Zealand degrees have a reputation globally for being practical, modern and desirable. In some niche areas such as biotechnology, forensic science and marine engineering, New Zealand degrees are acknowledged as being world leading. Students educated in the New Zealand education environment are earning a reputation as a new breed of innovative thinkers and are enjoying success the world over.

Educational Partnership
The New Zealand International Undergraduate Scholarships reflect the New Zealand Government’s commitment to deepening New Zealand’s educational partnerships with participating countries and regions.

The New Zealand education system provides students with the knowledge and skills to achieve results equal to the world’s best. The scholarship programme is about sharing this excellence with the rest of the world, and bringing the best from elsewhere to share their knowledge with New Zealand.

Up to 28 scholarships will be awarded for students undertaking undergraduate study in the 2006 New Zealand academic year. Students are to submit their applications to the designated agency in their country of citizenship. They will then nominate a set number of candidates to Education New Zealand for final selection.

Eligibility Criteria 2005
All candidates for the NZIUS must meet the eligibility criteria set out in the attached ‘NZIUS Terms and Conditions’ document below. Please note that additional country-specific criteria may apply.

- NZIUS Terms and Conditions
- NZIUS Application form

Students from Brunei Darussalam, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Mexico should apply to the relevant nominating agency below, by 20 October 2005:

Brunei Darussalam
Haji Kamaluddin Bin Awang
Assistant Director (Scholarships)
Ministry of Education
Bandar Seri Begawan BB3510
Negara Brunei Darussala
Phone: (673) 2382233 ext 3523 or 2381133 ext 3500
Fax: (673) 2380701

Gloria Yanez Figueroa (Dpto de Becas)
Agencia de Cooperacion Internacional (AGCI)
Teatinos 950, Piso 11
Tel: (56-2) 399 0949
Fax: (56-2) 399 0993
Email: gyanez@agci.cl
Web: www.agci.gob.cl

Ms. Pan Yue
China Scholarship Council
160 Fuxingmennei St
Beijing 100031
Tel.:0086-10-6641 3119
Fax: 0086-10-6641 0637
Email: ypan@csc.edu.cn

Eddy Henry
Director of Prgram and Aluni Relationship
Sampoerna Foundation
Email: eddy.henry@sampoernafoundation.org

Candidates nominated to Education New Zealand by the Sampoerna Foundation are required to meet the following additional country-specific criteria. Students must:

Not simultaneously hold another award
Be able to demonstrate that they are from a financially disadvantaged family
Have excellent academic standing in the final year of SMA and/or in their first semester of university study in Indonesia
For Application and Procedural Enquiries:
Japan Student Services Association (JASSO)
Tokyo International Exchange Centre
2-79 Aomi, Koto-ku
Tokyo 135-8630
Phone: (+81) (3) 5520 6131
Fax: (+81) (3) 5520 6121
Website: http://www.jasso.go.jp/ryugaku/

For other enquiries:
New Zealand Embassy
Email: scholarshipstky@mfat.govt.nz

Ms Kim In-hee
Korean Government’s Scholarship Students Support Team (KGSS)
National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED)
Email: iniwise@ied.go.kr
Phone: 822 3668 1367
Fax: 822 734 4992

Please note the following additional country-specific criteria which relates to NZIUS applications from Korean nationals. In addition to the general Terms and Conditions of the NZIUS, Korean candidates must:

currently be attending a Korean high school, 3rd grade (completed 5 semesters);
be in the top 10% in their school for 5 semesters, with a reference or confirmation from their headmasters;
Mohamed Anuar B Mohamed Zainun
Senior Principal Assistant Director
Department of Higher Education
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia
Level 2, Block E9, Parcel E
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62505 Putrajaya
Ph: 603 8883 5916 (DDI) and 8883 5900
Fax: 60 3 8883 5909

Dr Juan Jose Serrato Velasco
Director de Relaciones Bilaterales
Direccion General de Relaciones Internacionales
Secretaria de Educacion Publica (Education Ministry)
Email: jserrato@sep.gov.mx


As an interim measure, for study in 2006 only, a trial selection process will operate in: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand & Viet Nam. Public applications for undergraduate scholarships for study in the 2006 academic year will not be called for in 2005. The selection process for 2006, for scholarships to be taken up in academic year 2007, will be announced in due course.

Students from Cambodia, Hong Kong, Lao, Macau, Myanmar & The Philippines are not eligible to apply for the Undergraduate Scholarships in 2005, but may become eligible in 2006 for study in 2007. Details will be announced in due course.


Should you have any questions regarding the New Zealand International Undergraduate Scholarships , please contact the Education New Zealand Scholarships Manager at scholarships@educationnz.org.nz

International Scholarship and Academic

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