:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::1.18.2006

UGM: Postgraduate Scholarships

UGM: Postgraduate Scholarships
Kategori: Beasiswa S2 dalam negeri kerja sama UGM dg beb. yayasan beasiswa

Scholarship Schemes

The Masters Program in Peace and Conflict Resolution (MPCR), Gadjah Mada University has been providing scholarships for successful candidates in conjunction with foreign governments and individual donors. Following donors have funded MPCR:

Herbert Feith Foundation Scholarship Through Australian Government

Herb Feith Foundation Scholarship is honoring Professor Herb Feith who tragically died in Melbourne and has made a big contribution in improving Australian-Indonesia relations through his long-term involvement at Gadjah Mada University . The Herbert Feith Foundation has provided scholarships for students from conflict areas such as Aceh, Ambon, and Kalimantan . This grant scheme ran for three years and ended in 2004.

Herbert Feith Scholarship funded by the Herbert Feith Foundation
For the academic year of 2006 the Herbert Feith Foundation funded one Herb Feith Scholarship which is awarded to a female student from Eastern Indonesia .

Izumi Harada - Japan

Ms. Izumi Harada is an activist and also works as a lawyer. The Izumi Harada scholarship is a partial scholarship that is awarded to Indonesian women from conflict areas. This mirrors the commitment of Ms. Harada in supporting education opportunity for the women. This scholarship scheme ran for two years of academic in 2003 and 2004.

British Council

British council has supported a student from Eastern part of Indonesia to enroll in MPCR's program as part of their commitment to increase the capacity and knowledge of local people to deal with the conflict situations. This scholarship was awarded on a one time in 2003.

Government of New Zealand (NZAID)

In 2005, the Government of New Zealand started to support police officer from various areas in Indonesia to study in MPCR's program. The scholarship scheme aims at increasing capacity and knowledge of police officers in Indonesia . The grants have been awarded for there years. Five successful candidates will get the opportunity of a full scholarship every year.

Following persons have been awarded scholarships:

No Name Origin Years
Herb Feith Foundation Scholrship
1 Muhammad Abdul Nahumarury Ambon 2002
2 Muhammad Sahlan Hanafiah Aceh 2003
3 Ade Suharso Kalimantan 2004
Izumi Harada Scholarship
1 Yeni Kristina Sangkalia Palu 2002
2 Adoniati Meyria Widaningtyas Temanggung 2003
British Council Scholarship
1 Lechana Warikar Papua 2003
Government of New Zealand (NZAID)

International Scholarship and Academic

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