:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::3.21.2006

Australia: APS Scholarship Program

Kategori: Beasiswa luar negeri Australia

Fields of Study

Scholarships are available for full-time post-graduate study and includes study at the graduate certificate, graduate diploma, and masters level at Australian universities. Priority is given to fields of study that have been identified by the Australian and Indonesian governments as essential to Indonesia’s development.

The broad areas of agreed priority in 2005/2006 are:

Economic Governance
Public Sector Management
Economic Governance
Audit, accounting, business administration, commerce, debt management, development studies, economics and economic management, engineering, environmental resource management, financial sector restructuring, financial systems, international economic relations, international studies, international trade, labour policy; law, legal and judicial systems; statistics, tax reform, trade and development.

Public Sector Management
Decentralization, development studies, government, health management, human resource development, human resource management, human rights, industrial development, industrial relations, information technology management, infrastructure planning, law and legal studies, political science and government, public administration, public sector reform, regional and community planning and development, water quality management, and women in development.
Education and training (including teacher training), education management and leadership, librarianship

Course and University Information
Accessing course information
The best way to access information on postgraduate courses that are available to study in Australia is by accessing the Studylink course database at http://pg.studylink.com.au/search/search.html.

Accessing information on universities
To find out more about studying at individual universities in Australia you can access the information available at http://www.thegoodguides.com.au/coursesearch.cfm.

Need more information?
The Australian Education Centre operated by the Australian Government through Australian Education International http://www.austembjak.or.id/aei/ is located in Jakarta and Surabaya and provides information to prospective Indonesian students on Australian education institutions.

Australian Education Centre Jakarta
Sentra Mulia, 6th floor, Suite 615
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav X06 No. 8,
Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tel. (62 21) 522 9675
Fax. (62 21) 521 3745
E-mail: aecjakarta@aei.or.id
Website http://studyinaustralia.gov.au/

Australian Education Centre Surabaya
The International Village
UBAYA Office Building
Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya 60293
Tel. (62 31) 298 1324
Fax. (62 31) 298 1325
Email: aecsurabaya@aei.or.id

Professional Recognition
Some courses will require a period of work experience before professional recognition is granted. The Australian Partnership Scholarship does not cover expenses during this period of work.

Scholarship Entitlements
The scholarship recipients under the APS program will receive the following entitlements as an integral part of their scholarshp:

Fees Payment of academic and other compulsory fees for international students
Airfare Payment of one return economy airfare from Jakarta or Denpasar to the major airport nearest the Australian university

Overseas Fieldwork Where research comprises at least 50 percent of the program, a scholarship holder may receive a round trip airfare to undertake essential fieldwork
Establishment Allowance A once only payment at the commencement of the scholarship in Australia to cover costs associated with establishment in Australia

Family Living Allowance To be paid at either the unaccompanied or accompanied rate depending upon the accompanying family members.

Health Insurance Basic health care insurance will be provided for the scholarship holder and his or her immediate accompanying family

Editorial/Tutorial Assistance Will be provided, where essential, to assist awardees to pass course subjects

Family Entry Families (spouse and children) may come to Australia at their own cost if families meet AusAID and immigration requirements.
The information about your entitlement to bring your family is available from http://www.immi.gov.au/jakarta/index.htm

English Language Training A course of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is included and is a compulsory component of the Australian Partnership Scholarship
Professional Recognition Please note that the Australian Partnership Scholarships does not include funding for professional recognition/practical training periods required for professional registration. Students are expected to complete practical training in Indonesia.

Further details will be given to those chosen to receive scholarships. This list is intended to provide a broad overview of entitlements.

Scholarship Categories
The Australian Partnership Scholarships are offered in two categories:

Public Sector
Public Sector applicants will be employees from Government departments, state universities and state owned enterprises. Their applications must be approved by training or foreign cooperation bureaus (BKLN) or their agencies before being submitted to the APS office. 75% of the Australian Partnership Scholarship will be allocated to the public sector.

Employer Responsibilities

Non-Public Sector
Non-Public Sector applicants will be employees from, for example, corporations, universities, non-government organizations (NGO) and civil society organisations (CSO). Their applications must be approved by their employer. 25% of the Australian Partnership Scholarship will be allocated to the non-public sector.

Employer Responsibilities

Applicant Requirements
General Requirements
Scholarship applicants must:

be an Indonesian citizen and not have permanent residence in Australia or New Zealand;
not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence;
satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health, character etc.);
not hold another scholarship that would give overlapping benefits;
not have held an Australian government scholarship in the 12 months preceding the application;
be applying to commence a new academic course of study and not be seeking support through APS for a course already commenced in Australia;
be able to take up the scholarship in the year in which it is offered; and
satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian tertiary institution in which the course is to be undertaken.

Specific Requirements
Scholarship applicants must:

- be applying for fields of study that fall within one of the three areas of development priorities;
- have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on scale of maximum 4.0) and an English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in IELTS (500 in Institutional TOEFL or 170 in International TOEFL). The IELTS or TOEFL result must be current (a test result obtained in 2004 or 2005 will be considered current) Scores referred to are for previous university studies at S1 or S2 levels;
- already hold a minimum of an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Masters;
- answer all relevant questions on the application form;
- be willing and available to take full-time English for Academic Purposes (EAP) training in Indonesia prior to studying in Australia if offered a scholarship; and
- be no older than 42 years old at time of application.

9 month EAP (2005 round) commences January 3
3 month EAP (2005 round) commences January 11
8 week EAP (2005 round) commences February 6
APS 2006 applications open May 8
APS 2006 applications close July 7
Applicants notified of result of short-listing process August 16 - 23
Joint Selection Team interviews of short listed candidates September 14 - 29
IELTS test September 16
Successful applicants notified October
6 month EAP (2006 round) commences November 6

Submitting an Application
To complete your application you will need to submit the following documents:

3 copies of the completed Australian Partnership Scholarship application form Download the Application [ PDF 272 KB ]
3 certified copies of your Birth Certificate OR Passport OR Identity Card (KTP)
3 certified copies of your IELTS or TOEFL results (minimum obtained in 2004 or 2005)
3 certified copies of your transcript from holders of an Indonesian Bachelor or Masters qualification
3 certified copies of your transcript from holders of an overseas Bachelor qualification
3 certified copies of research outline for Masters (full research) applicants
3 certified copies of your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
APS application forms are available free of charge from any IDP Education Australia office, AEC offices (Jakarta and Surabaya), from the IALF (Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali), from your local BKLN and from the APS office.

The application must be complete before it can be considered by the selection committee. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

Certified copy of an original document
A certified copy of an original document is one that has been checked by an authorised person to certify that the copy is a "true and accurate" copy of the original. A Solicitor is the ideal person to check and certify the copies because they can certify all of your copied documents. If you are in a location which has an IDP Education Australia office, you can also take your documents there for an "original sighted" stamp. This is acceptable to the APS office. Copies of academic documents can be certified by the administration centre of the issuing institution, or DIKTI however they are only able to certify the academic documents.

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Introduction and address to contact the APS Program click here

International Scholarship and Academic

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