:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::3.21.2006

Fellowships Program

Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP)
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs awards a number of fellowships annually under the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), with the specific intention of assisting participants from developing countries.

Application for admission
In brief, the application procedure consists of the following steps:

Candidates first apply to ITC for admission to a course. Application forms can be downloaded from our website (http://www.itc.nl/education/register) or obtained from ITC's Education Affairs department (email: education@itc.nl). The deadlines for admission to ITC's courses vary. The course descriptions indicate which deadline applies. Please note: The ITC deadline for applying for admission to a course is later than the NFP deadline for applying for a fellowship.
Acceptable candidates will receive a letter from ITC indicating that they have been provisionally accepted.

Application for a fellowship
Candidates then apply for an NFP fellowship through the Dutch embassy or consulate in their own country. To do this, candidates must complete an NFP application form, which can be obtained from the Dutch embassy or consulate and/or downloaded from the NUFFIC website (http://www.nuffic.nl/nfp/). Candidates should submit it, together with all the required documents and information to the Dutch embassy or consulate in their own country.
Fellowship applications will not be taken into consideration without a letter of admission from ITC.

For a list of countries eligible for the NFP programme please click here or visit http://www.nuffic.nl/nfp/

For detailed information on NFP fellowships, please contact the Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC), P.O. Box 29777, 2502 LT The Hague, The Netherlands (e-mail: nuffic@nuffic.nl)
Link to Nuffic/NFP.

The Tempus programme enables universities in a number of countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region to establish partnerships in the European Union that help them to restructure their higher education systems. The programme provides scholarships for student exchanges only within those partnerships.
Link to Tempus

Huygens Programme
The Huygens Programme awards scholarships that enable foreign students to study or do research in the Netherlands for a period of 3 to 10 months. Candidates are selected on the basis of several criteria. The first is that they are from one of the 53 countries with which the Dutch government has agreements to encourage international cooperation in culture and education. Information and application forms are available from the Dutch embassy in the country of nationality, or via theNUFFIC website.
Link to Huygens

World Bank Institute: Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP)
The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) awards scholarships:

to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at universities and institutes renowned for their development research and teaching;
for graduate studies to well-qualified mid-career professionals, who are then expected to apply and to disseminate the newly acquired knowledge and skills in promoting the socioeconomic development of their own and other developing countries.
Scholars study in challenging socio-economic development themes, including:

Economics & globalization, public policy and management;
Sustainable development, including natural resource and environmental managements;
Health, population, and education;
Agriculture and rural development;
Urban and regional planning, and infrastructure; and
Information systems and technology.
The World Bank, Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, 1818 H Street, NW - MSN J3-303, Washington DC 20433, USA. Tel.: +1 (202) 473-6849. Fax: +1 (202) 522-4036. Email: jjwbgsp@worldbank.org.
Link to the World Bank Institute Scholarships

STUNED Scholarship Programme
The Dutch government, through the Netherlands Education Centre awards scholarships through a highly selective programme for talented Indonesian candidates. Information and application forms are available at: Netherlands Education Centre (NEC), Gedung Citra Graha, 7th floor, room 702, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto kav. 35-36, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia. Tel.: + (62 21) 520-0453 (hunting), Fax: (62 21) 520 0457. E-mail: general@nec.or.id
Link to Stuned

American Association of University Women (AAUW)
International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. (For support at the undergraduate level, visit www.isep.org.)
Link to AAUW

European Union (EU)
Programme Alβan - European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America
Alβan aims at the reinforcement of the European Union-Latin America co-operation in the area of Higher Education and covers studies for postgraduates as well as higher training for Latin America professionals/future decision-makers, in institutions or centres in the European Union.
Link to Alβan

The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP)
The Ford Foundation International Fellowship Programme provides support for up to three years of formal graduate-level study leading to a Master's or doctoral degree. Fellows are selected from Russia and countries and territories in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, where the Ford Foundation maintains active overseas programmes. European nationals are not eligible.
For more information about IFP, please visit the programme website (http://www.fordifp.net). Prospective fellows must contact directly the IFP International Partner in the country or region in which they are citizens or residents in order to obtain detailed information on eligibility and how to apply for an IFP fellowship.
Link to Ford IFP

Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships
The Marie Curie Actions offer numerous opportunities to individual researchers to participate in a research team in another country. Funding is available for researchers to move both within Europe and internationally. And, in an effort to enhance networking between researchers, the EU provides funding for researchers coming from third countries to train in Europe. Three types of so-called 'Individual-Driven Actions' are available to researchers of all ages with at least four years' experience or with a doctorate degree.
Link to Curie IEF

Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowships
The Marie Curie Actions offer numerous opportunities to individual researchers to participate in a research team in another country. Funding is available for researchers to move both within Europe and internationally. And, in an effort to enhance networking between researchers, the EU provides funding for researchers coming from third countries to train in Europe. Three types of so-called 'Individual-Driven Actions' are available to researchers of all ages with at least four years' experience or with a doctorate degree.
Link to Curie IIF

Marie Curie Individual Fellowships
Marie Curie Fellowships provide European placements for pre and post-doctoral researchers, usually up to the age of 35, and for experienced researchers. Fellowships are available in any scientific discipline that contributes to the objectives of the Fifth Framework Programme (FP5). Applicants to this activity are young and experienced researchers and host organisations in academia and industry.
Link to Curie IF

Netherlands Education Support Office Taipei (NESO)
The Y.C. Lo Scholarship for postgraduate studies in the Netherlands was jointly launched by Philips Taiwan and the Netherlands Trade & Investment Office in April 2000. The scholarship supports Taiwan 's future leaders: promising Taiwanese graduates and young professionals intending to pursue postgraduate degree programmes at Dutch universities. The scholarship gives Taiwanese students the opportunity to develop their skills at Dutch universities and aims to forge lasting ties between the Netherlands and Taiwan. Link to NESO).

The Rotary Foundation
Currently, three types of scholarships are offered:
Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships provide funding for one academic year of study in another country. This award is intended to help cover round-trip transportation, tuition, fees, room and board expenses, and some educational supplies up to US$26,000 or its equivalent. Academic-Year Scholarships are the most common type of scholarship offered.

Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarships are for two years of degree-oriented study in another country. A flat grant of US$13,000 or its equivalent is provided per year to be applied toward the costs of a degree program.

Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarships are for either three or six months of intensive language study and cultural immersion in another country and provide funds to cover round-trip transportation, language training expenses, and homestay living arrangements up to US$12,000 and US$19,000, respectively. Applications are considered for candidates interested in studying Arabic, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Swedish.

Some Rotary districts may only offer one type of scholarship (or none at all); applicants must check with the local club regarding availability.
Link to the Rotary Foundation

The Population Council (TPC)
Well-qualified professionals are needed throughout the world to address population and development issues. Strengthening this professional base is an integral part of the Population Council's mission. The Council's longstanding fellowship programs have helped advance the careers of some 2,000 social and biomedical scientists, many of whom have gone on to hold leadership positions in the population field.
Link to TPC

International Federation of University Women
The International Federation of University Women offers a limited number of fellowships and grants to women graduates for advanced research, study and training. The competitions are normally held every two years. Exceptionally, the next competition will offer fellowships and grants for the 2005/2006 academic year.
Link to IFUW

The Inter-American Development Bank
The IDB administers two scholarship programs: the Japan Scholarship Program for graduate students in development-related fields, and scholarships to attend social development courses offered by INDES.
Link to IADB

European Commission (EC), European Development Fund (EDF)
Applicants from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries signatory to the Lome III Convention are eligible for fellowships from the European Development Fund (EDF). In countries that have relations with the European Community, the EC delegate can provide information on how to apply for EDF fellowships through the local government agency appointed to promote and nominate candidates.
Link to EDF

United Nations agencies
FAO representatives in developing countries may be able to give information on appropriate projects being carried out in these countries, for which funds may be reserved for training abroad in the relevant field(s). More information in this respect can be obtained from: FAO, Via della Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
Link to FAO

United Nations (UN-TARFO)
UN representatives in developing countries may be able to give information on appropriate projects being carried out in these countries, for which funds may be reserved for training abroad in the relevant field(s). More information in this respect can be obtained from: UN-TARFO, Palais des Nations, CH 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Link to UN-TARFO

UN representatives in developing countries may be able to give information on appropriate projects being carried out in these countries, for which funds may be reserved for training abroad in the relevant field(s). More information in this respect can be obtained from: UNESCO, Place de Fontenoy 7, 75700 Paris, France
Link to UNESCO

Delta/Joint Environmental Scholarships
No english information available
Link to Delta/Joint Environmental Scholarships

Y.C. Lo Scholarship
The Dutch government supports the internationalization of higher education by giving subsidies to the higher education institutions. Each institution can use its subsidy to award scholarships that enable students from certain other countries to come to the Netherlands to study. The information that follows here will give you the essential facts about studying in the Netherlands and the DELTA programme. DELTA is an acronym for ‘Dutch Education: Learning at Top level Abroad’.
Link to Y.C. Lo Scholarship.

WOTRO Fund for PhD Projects
The DC Fellowships scheme is aimed at supporting high-quality Ph.D. and post-doc (ex-WOTRO Ph.D. researchers only) research projects carried out by talented researchers from developing countries.
The scheme has two objectives, namely, to provide the facilities necessary for obtaining a doctorate degree or strengthening an individual post-doctorate career and, indirectly, to strengthen the research capacity in developing countries. The grant is designed to support a ‘sandwich formula’: a stay in the Netherlands followed by a fieldwork period in the developing country and finally completion of the project in the Netherlands (or the other way round: developing country, the Netherlands, developing country).
There are no restrictions with respect to the research topic or subject. WOTRO encourages post-doctoral research in particular.
Link to WOTRO

The Fulbright Center provides information on study, research and internships in the United States of America and promotes the exchange of students, scholars and teachers between the Netherlands and the United States.
Link to Fulbright

World Council of Churches
The WCC scholarships programme is a global ecumenical formation programme that exists to help churches and related organizations equip people to fulfil their mission. It is a means of supporting and developing the ecumenical movement.
Link to World Council of Churches

Aga Khan Foundation
The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant: 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master's level courses but is also willing to consider applications for PhD programmes, when doctoral degrees are necessary for the career objectives of the student.
Link to Aga Khan Foundation

Other Fellowships
International Fellowships are awarded available at more places. Use the link below to see an overview of possiblities.
Click here.


Fellowships are usually intended as a substantial contribution towards most basic expenses but do not cover all costs in full.
Although fellowships from the Dutch government, EDF or one of the United Nations agencies do include a fixed allowance for books, lecture notes and personal drawing and calculating equipment, this seldom covers the actual cost of these study materials.
Courtesy: ITC

International Scholarship and Academic

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