:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::6.28.2007

Beasiswa S1: Australia Macquarie University International Scholarship (MUIS)

Informasi beasiswa-scholarship s1 s2 s3 post-doktoral dalam dan luar negeri

Beasiswa Sarjana S1 di Australia for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students

Who can apply?
Applicants must
Be a citizen of a country other than Australia or New Zealand.
Have met the University’s academic and English requirements for the course to be considered for a scholarship (must hold a FULL OFFER by the application deadline).
Have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0) for Postgraduate applications and minimum requirement of 90 (out of 100) for Undergraduate applications.
You are not eligible if
You are a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, or hold permanent residency of Australia.

You are currently enrolled at Macquarie University for a program which is equivalent in level.
You have undertaken the same level of study previously.
You are currently enrolled in the program that you apply the MUIS for.
You are in receipt of another equivalent or major award or scholarship.
You are a Study Abroad or an Exchange student coming to Macquarie University.

What does MUIS cover?
Macquarie University International Scholarships are available across most courses to cover international tuition fees for study on campus in an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree.
Scholarships will be granted to cover the credit points required to complete a single undergraduate or postgraduate degree.

The scholarship provides course fees for the minimum course duration. No additional allowances are payable. The scholarship does NOT provide financial support in the form of a living allowance, nor does it provide for the cost of visa application, Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), airfares, accommodation, conferences or other costs associated with study. Annual renewal of the MUIS is subject to satisfactory performance in the Macquarie University degree program.

To download the MUIS conditions click here.

How to apply?
Applicants must complete a course application form with certified copies of all relevant documents and application fee of $110. The application fee will be refunded if you are awarded an MUIS when applicable.

The undergraduate course application form is available at this page.

The postgraduate course application form is available at this page.

Applicants must also complete an online MUIS application form and nominate two referees to complete a Referee Report. For more information and to apply click here.

IMPORTANT: MUIS paper application forms are no longer accepted. All applicants must complete the online MUIS application form.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Deadlines for MUIS Applications

MUIS Applications for Semester 2, 2007 have now closed.

MUIS Applications for Semester 1, 2008 must be submitted by 31 October, 2007

MUIS Applicants must submit Course Applications by 15 October, 2007

MUIS Applications for Semester 2, 2008 must be submitted by 30 April, 2008

MUIS Applicants must submit Course Applications by 15 April, 2008

Important: Applicants must hold a FULL OFFER by the MUIS deadline to be considered for a scholarship. Applicants will NOT be eligible for the scholarship if they hold a Conditional Offer on the application deadline. For more information about Conditional and Full Offers please click here.

Results of Applications
Students applying for a scholarship for Semester 2, 2007 will be advised of the outcome of their application in June 2007.

Students applying for a scholarship for Semester 1, 2008 will be advised of the outcome of their application in December 2007.

For scholarship enquiries contact scholarships@io.mq.edu.au

Please visit the official website for Online Application.

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