UK: Master Computer Scholarship
British Chevening Scholarships
At a glance
Study programme: Postgraduate study for up to 2 years
Applicant profile: Overseas applicants with a very good first degree and some working experience
Contact: British Embassy, British High Commission or British Council Office in your own country
British Chevening Scholarships are granted every year to high-flyers from countries all over the world to study for a postgraduate degree in Britain. The aim of the scholarships is to bring to the UK present and future leaders, decision-makers and opinion-formers, including particularly able students from countries with whom the UK's economic relations are expected to develop. Preference is given to candidates already established in a career. Awards are given annually to students from a wide variety of countries and can cover all or part of the cost. These scholarships are funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth Office.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible, applicants need to have completed an undergraduate degree, some working experience (perhaps two years or more) and have a strong command of the English language.
What does the award cover?
Living expenses
Academic fees
Air fare to and from the UK
Some other allowances
The scholarship does not include a married or child allowance.
How do you apply?
These scholarships are administered through local embassies, high commissions or British Council offices. Therefore you should contact the British Embassy, British High Commission or British Council Office in your own country.
Closing dates for applications are fixed locally. They may be as long as a year before you begin postgraduate study. Early applications are encouraged.
You are likely to be asked for the names of two referees and to give a statement of why you wish to obtain your desired qualification and what the benefits in terms of your career and personal development will be.
You are asked to list which qualification or qualifications (eg MSc in Advanced Computer Science; MSc in Computer Science) you wish to obtain. You can also list which institutions (eg University of Birmingham) at which you wish to study. If you do not have any particular preference, the British Council will identify a suitable institution for you.
How are candidates selected?
Selection of candidates is carried out overseas by British Embassies and High Commissions in consultations with the local British Council Director. You should therefore be resident in your home country when you apply.
Selection methods may vary from country to country. A selection committee may identify promising applicants and invite them for interview. When a final list is drawn up, it will be sent to the British Council in the UK where applications are reviewed and applications to universities made on your behalf. Universities may accept or reject an application: obviously, if no university offers an applicant a place, then that applicant cannot receive an award.
For more details
International Scholarship and Academic
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