:: Beasiswa-Scholarship ::3.24.2006

Singapore: Undergraduate Scholarships Nanyang

Kategori: Beasiswa s1 (bachelor, sarjana) luar negeri di NTU (Nanyang Technological University) Singapura untuk jurusan2 sbb:
teknis penerbangan, bioengineering, biologi, teknik kimia & biomolekul, kimia & bio-kimia, teknik sipil, teknik komputer, ilmu komputer, teknik elektro, teknik lingkungan, kajian kelautan, teknik material dan sains, ilmu matematika, teknik mekanik, fisika, fisika aplikasi.

The SembCorp Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students of Indonesian nationality for a 4-year undergraduate studies at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

Criteria and procedure Terms and conditions

Eligibility Criteria

Indonesian nationals who have completed the SMU Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) examination (IPA) or are completing SMU Ujian Akhir Nasional (IPA) in year 2006 are eligible to apply for the scholarships. Only students with outstanding high school results will be shortlisted for consideration.

Application Procedure

As the scholarship is offered to students admitted to NTU, students applying for the SembCorp Undergraduate Scholarship have to first submit the on-line application for admission to NTU. After successful submission of the on-line application form, you may apply for the scholarship here by keying in the application number assigned to you.

Applicants will need to submit a recent passport-size photo (digital image) with the following specifications at the end of the application form.

JPEG format ('jpg' extension)
File size around 60 Kbytes
400(Width) by 514 (Height) in pixels

Selection Test and Interview

Shortlisted applicants would be required to appear for the NTU Entrance Examination and attend an interview in Indonesia.

Application Period

The same closing date for application for admission applies.

Terms of Award

The scholarship covers:

Return air passage at the beginning and end of the scholarship term
One-time settling-in allowance of S$200
Maintenance allowance of S$6,000 per annum
Accommodation allowance pegged at the lowest double room rate for on-campus accommodation
Tuition fee directly payable by students (after Tuition Grant) and other compulsory fees for the course of study

Conditions of Award

Scholars must maintain a satisfactory CAP (Cumulative Average Point) on a semestral basis for the scholarship to be renewed.

Scholars, on completion of the course, will have to serve a 6-year bond working for the sponsoring companies, their subsidiaries or any other Singapore registered organisations.

Eligible Courses

The scholarship offered is for the pursuit of any of the following undergraduate courses:

Aerospace Engineering, BioEngineering, Biological Sciences, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Chemistry & Biological Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Maritime Studies, Materials Science & Engineering, Mathematical Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Physics & Applied Physics.


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